Recently we had one of the most frigid days of the season, the kind of day when I wonder why I left the Florida town where I grew up, the kind of day more conducive to baking bread and making stew than to long walks in the park. But you never know where whimsy – or your dog – will take you.
That’s why I love having a dog. She gets me out of the house when nothing else will, and on days like this icy January morning that can mean unexpected pleasure.
I must admit, one of the keys to enjoying the weather – even when it is icy cold -- is gear. I learned just a couple of years ago what a difference good cold weather clothes can make. Layered up in snow pants and parka, scarf, hat and gloves with two sweaters underneath, I was Warm Enough and once I got walking I was Toasty.
So Nala the dog led me off to Sligo Creek Park, my favorite dog walk when I have the luxury of an hour or so to walk her. There were few other walkers out – though I was impressed to see my die-hard neighbor running (Go, Peter!). Fewer people meant fewer dogs, and fewer yanks on the leash. Even the squirrels seemed scarce.
Actually, we had the park to ourselves – if you don’t count he myriad previous visitors Nala picked up as she sniffed what remained of their scents. The creek was beginning to freeze, so it was still along the banks and had a narrow thread of moving water down its center. Lacy platforms of ice were forming like the brims of hats perched on grey boulders. Branches, bare of leaves, stood dark, etched sharp against the gray sky. The world was all ours – like a gift.
Thanks, Nala.
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